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The BS2P24 basic stamp. |
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This is a basic stamp from Parallax it is a tiny controller which can be programmed very easily from a PC. It has space for kilobytes of program code and dozens of bytes for variables. |
To program basic stamps there are all kind of boards with little bread boards on them. They are all expensive and the breadboard is too small. It is easy to make a cable so a basic stamp on a breadboard can be connected to a PC. |
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Here is a picture of the devices I made to program basic stamps. Note that they can be used on a 4 pin header, so a big clumsy D connector isn`t needed anymore on a circuit board.
It is easy to damage the pins of expensive basic stamps, so put them in a socket before you put them in a breadboard.
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Note that the adapter should have a couple of capacitors in the reset line.
Find here some projects I have been doing with basic stamps: |
Find here Here an installation we made to control a bank of DVD players. |
Find here Here an installation we made to control a DVD player. |
Find here Here some mockups of settopboxex for the Cebit show. |
This is the Stampdock software i made, which provides all kind of support
to basic stamp, like graphics screen, GUI, datastorage etc. |
This is stamp scope software i made, as a demo for the
stampdock software. |